Sunday, December 13, 2009


BRAINWASHED By MEDIA? USE LOGIC AND SCIENCE? - media science solid ink canada

Now I hear that many people over the rising levels of seals comes to global warming guy. Scientists predict that sea levels could rise by more than 5 five feet in the next 100 years. But they are wrong! IMPORTANT :::::::: not matter if the ice caps are solid) (ice cream, or the condition of glaciers in liquid water (of course) the state that are included in the total mass of ice caps are already sea level. Do u get it now? It Does not Matter if the ice caps (not melt) the sea level, but regardless of whether the billions of gallons of water flowing into the ocean of the earth (because the earth floats n ') into the sea. Buoyany Force Research and repressed If you have further questions. I wanted to clarify that the failure of science.


linlyons said...

Do you really think you're smarter than all the scientists?
Have you thought that talking about the ice on Greenland, Antarctica, Siberia and Canada?

Indeed all know people who understand the process of global warming that will not change sea ice if it melts.

freeyour... said...

PeterGriffin his first name is a cartoon character, but it's a fun show, but Peter is not known for being intelligent or Find out more about such things. Second, the scientists say it made a mistake, but have no scientific basis or any other evidence. The third part of what it in CAPS, that is, they scream and screaming people who come to your case clearly lost a debate and not know what they need to talk. Sorry buddy, but you're not a scientist, nor the impression that he knows whereof he speaks, so I will rely on science to the scientists who study these things and have the research and higher education, so that these things can understand. If you do not like the science can not sit on the ground and not moving for the rest of his life, because without science is no longer alive.

Dawei said...

Their arguments are completely false, as linlyons said.

The sea level has not affected the ice is already floating, and I want to place a bet here and now it will not be able to demonstrate that a single scientist has always said it was.

Increase of melting ice that is on earth, and the thermal expansion of the oceans. Ice floats. ...

If you are older than 13 years, I fear for the future of humanity.

virtualg... said...

You misunderstood what the scientists say. The rise in sea level due to the Antarctic and Greenland glaciers are melting, with a smaller contribution from the melting of glaciers around the world. These glaciers are on land. The mass of ice from Greenland alone accounts for about 7 meters above sea level. No scientist has said that the melting of sea ice, sea level changes.

bubba said...

Floating Ice will now impact on the amount. Melting glaciers and inland ice (Greenland is one example of many that) Antarctica, many mountain peaks, and put ice on the sea.

I wanted to delete only the errors, so that no one is subjected to brainwashing.

Typical Oregon Person said...

Where's the science. There is no representative sample of global warming. Only killaheah and Norway. The rest of the world use thermometers in the working age population rather than a rectal thermometer accuracy.

beren said...

I do not see here at issue. I see many errors, both scientific and spelling.

I suggest you write your questions in the spelling and use Word, then cut and paste your question.

bravozul... said...

The way the alarmists and politicians in the state in which the melting of the Greenland 20 years ago. For this they would take thousands of years, and about 7 degrees of warming is not rational, and suggested by the evidence.

Gore says, ft sea level rise 6 meters (20) is by the melting of the West Antarctic or Greenland caused. While Gore says the sea level will occur in the near future, the judge concluded that, in context, it is clear that what he meant, since he showed expensive graphical representations of their fantasy impact, 6 m (20 ft) sea level rise on existing populations and quantify the number of people who are displaced by rising sea levels.

IPCC says sea level rise of up to 7 meters (23 feet) above current levels occur naturally in the atmosphere of the past and are likely to again after several millennia. Based Over the next 100 years according to the calculations on figures in the IPCC 2007 report, add these two ice sheets between them more than 6 centimeters (2.5 inches) at sea level, 6 m(This figure of 6 cm is 15% of the IPCC central estimate of 43 cm or 1) ft 5 in the sea level rise over the next century. Gore has exaggerated the official sea-level estimate closer to 10,000 percent ....." ...

antarcti... said...

I am sure that their information, but also small things that can help;
1.Si You stand at the South Pole 2,700 meters (9,000 feet) above sea level, and everything under the ice and the ground below the level of sea ice.
2. The average thickness of glacial ice in Antarctica 2 km.
3. (SI), the Antarctic ice were to melt sea levels to rise 76m
4. The development of sea level rise is a simple matter of surface soil on the surface of the oceans of the world, is the number of 1 / 26 and 1 / 26 of the thick ice of 2000 m 76m

The other problem is that scientists do not have predicted the melting of the Antarctic, is the highest level of the sea that we are so far due to thermal expansion of sea water have had him. What is predictable, the increased melting of glaciers and thermal expansion is coastal further.
The most important physical properties, makes the Antarctic is a long time without sunlight per year, are not affected by global warming, and that GLSteels are almost completely into the ground ie, it melts well, except it was very hot and still, it would take centuries.
What is melting so fast in the Arctic and floating in the sea water is much more thermally efficient than air, but as the sea ice in the Arctic is not the sea level Huge icebergs from the Antarctic in May last year in the years Antarctic waters, but they are moving currents that bring a little further north through the melt in a few weeks. These are very small rise in sea temperatures around the Antarctic Peninsula caused that the glaciers are melting faster.

Marcia said...

I wish I could be the name of the island nation in the chain, which was recently described in a number of documentaries and news is currently experiencing the impact of rising water to remember. Some islands are completely under water at any time. The main island is a visible reduction in the number of meters, if the current "in".

In terms of data, the rate of soil loss in this chain of islands, there will always documentably. The amount of land loss was numerically statistics in relation to melt ice caps and rising global temperatures. In return, the data will be collected in this chain of islands used to better understand the effects of our current global climate change. Whether it is essentially based on a natural cycle of climate change is affected only by humans and on the activities and behaviors, or if our current climate change is mainly due to people on the basis of minor importance for the island their home is engulfed Wed

They are still at sea and swallowed less people-BAsed are activities that affect their growing problem. How clever, these people and their islands are an example of what happens in the world. Both are a barometer, and the canary in the cage for the rest of the world, the sea, the coast in terms of prices and the impact of sea level. In addition, the data are not sufficient to determine why the changes in human activities can at least reduce the increasing rate of rise in sea level. Moreover, a growing number of indications, based on human activities and practices of the main reasons for the melting of snow, global warming and sea level. This suggests that our ability to stabilize, and even to reverse the process.

But even if you do not buy into the concept of global warming - is more than enough evidence for a number of other, less desirable to show the impact on health, social and political beings attributable created by same same activities and practices to a cause of global warming. Choose from Motiwhere the prevention highlights the economic, political instability, cancer, diseases and chronic illnesses or stress and weakening to a better quality of life and longevity. There are many reasons to be at least a little more about the environment. Remember, man is only a part of terrestrial ecosystems. In the overall context of things that are not very different from the spotted owl, salmon, whales, polar bears. As soon as our climate, food, shelter and opportunities for change, may also be compromised.

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